UK Services:
Bookkeeping/Accounts preparation
Company Formations
Property Taxation
Corporation Tax
What we did in the past for International Oil Companies:
All UK and International direct and indirect tax compliance:
☑︎ Corporation Tax returns and Accounts for overseas entities Nigeria, Falkland Islands, Ghana, India.
☑︎ Corporation Tax returns UK
☑︎ Personal Income Tax Returns for Ghana, Falkland Islands
☑︎ Hypothetical tax calculation for expatriates – UK, Thailand, Malaysia, Russia and others
☑︎ PAYE Settlement Agreement
☑︎ VAT returns South Africa, Norway, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco clearance, coordination, reconciliation, exemption coordination, processes
Tax Compliance
☑︎ Global Compliance Calendar coordination, monitoring, reporting for overseas and UK Entities.
☑︎ Short Terms Business Visitors HMRC reporting, control, process and creation
☑︎ Overseas contracts agreements advice on WHT and wording.
Tax Advisory
☑︎ Support for new territories by preparing initial tax advice and validating this with local advisors.
☑︎ Initial review of international activity opportunities from a tax perspective.
☑︎ Monitor compliance with international contracts.
☑︎ Withholding taxes advice
☑︎ Proposal taxes wording checks, sign off.
☑︎ Establish and run process for Tax Residency Certificates
☑︎ Apostille Tax Residency Certificates, process.
Various PE Registrations, monitoring
Cooperation with UK and Overseas Tax Advisors.
Ad-hoc Taxation Work
Rozliczenia podatkowe: Self-Employment, Partnership
Dla osób samozatrudnionych prowadzimy rozliczenia roczne, rejestrujemy i wyrejestrowujemy działalność. Wypełniamy wszystkie dokumenty związane z rejestracja działalności. Podchodzimy do każdego klienta indywidualnie, porada będzie ścisłe związana z Twoją działalnością gospodarcza. Pomagamy w rozwijaniu się w firm, doradzamy i dzielimy się wiedza związaną z prowadzeniem biznesu w UK.
Specializujemy sie rowniez w Property Income ( Przychodow z nieruchomosci) i przeprowadzimy Twoje Self Assessment.